Husqvarna TE310i 2011 A2 inmatriculat enduro

Husqvarna TE310i 2011 A2 inmatriculat enduro

3 495 €
roConstanta, ro
15. 3. 2025

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Vand motocicleta enduro Husqvarna TE 310 2011 -injectie -Electric si kick starter -107kg -13.000km -Inmatriculata, primul proprietar din Ro -Roti 21/18 Pret fix, conditie f buna, rog fara schimburi. Se poate vedea si proba in Constanta. Motor A2 dual sport enduro adventure supermoto legal de strada inmatriculabil monocilindru Nu ktm exc sx yamaha wr honda crf xr gasgas

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