Dezmembrari toyota land cruiser j 150 2010-2022
Dezmembrari toyota land cruiser j 150 2010-2022
23 RON5 €
Ploiesti, ro15. 3. 2025
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Dezmembrari Toyota Land cruiser j 150 , e 4 si e 5 , 2998 cm ,2800 cm , alternator , electromotor , compresor ac , turbine ,injectoare ,pompe inalte,egr,cutie viteze automata- manuala,planetare, fuzete,ax cardanic ,cutie transfer completa,amortizoare, sistem hidraulic suspensie kdss ,oglinzi electrice, geamuri laterale ,punte fata spate ,kit airbag,calculatoare,radiatoare
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